
English MindfulnessEnglish Mindfulnesstrainingsubmit

♦ Wednesday 6, 13, 20, 27 March; 3, 10, 17, 24 April
♦ Time: 19.30 – 21.00
♦ Costs: € 350,- (Do you have supplementary insurance? Many health insurers then reimburse)

There is a Waiting List for this course





We are pleased to inform you that we offer a mindfulness training in English that will start in October 2023. Our teacher Katya Borodulya provide wonderful support and guidance as you work through the program.

Mindfulness practioners have come to believe that the habit of taking time to be with oneself and pay simple attention to what’s going on in your mind and body can be a powerful way to come to understand, regulate and control your emotions better.

What does the course look like?
We will discuss some of the theory and origins, explore consiousness and practice guided mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness has been demonstrated in many contexts to help people with issues like stress and thought processes that might get them into trouble.

How does mindfulness support change?
Mindfulness helps you to reach real sustainable change accompanied by insights that will be connected to skills that can be put into action. In the class you have the opportunity to share experiences and members of the group help each other to keep up their commitment and motivation. When you encounter a challenge again and again and learn to cope with it, non-judgementally, that’s where you use the insights in your life. Most people find the greatest challenge is making time.

Home practice will generally include following one or more of the guided practices  through audio downloads. Practicing Mindfulness can help in your daily live, it will drive real change in how you live.
All participants who finish the program will receive a certificate of completion from Mindfulness Rotterdam.
