Hello, my name is Ekaterina Borodulya. You can call me Katya.
I have been living in The Netherlands since 2012. I worked in large corporations like PwC, Danone, and Unilever for 12+ years in various functions before I started teaching Mindfulness in 2016. But my mindfulness journey started much earlier when I followed an 8-week mindfulness course helped me to climb out of a burn-out and regain my strength. Since then, I feel continuously amazed at how powerful and life-changing the simple (don’t confuse with easy) mindfulness practice can be.

I have changed my career to being a Mindfulness teacher and trainer to catalyze wellbeing, support people with the right tools in connecting to their innate wisdom, replenish inner resources, and focus on what matters.

I have been teaching Mindfulness (MBSR) workshops and courses, including Mindfulness at a Workplace, for several years for leadership teams, private clients, small and large corporations. I have seen the profound impact it makes on people’s lives. I believe that many people can benefit from better stress management, learn to deal with difficult emotions more efficiently, boost their resilience, and manage energy levels.

My background
